Save Now with Best Buy Preorder Charges - A Convenient Way to Secure Your Next Purchase


Best Buy charges your credit card immediately when you preorder. Make sure to cancel within the window if you change your mind.

Best Buy Preorder Charge: A Scam or a Legitimate Business Practice?

Many customers who preordered highly anticipated products from Best Buy have been hit with unexpected charges, causing an uproar on social media. The company claims that these charges are legitimate and necessary, but consumers are left wondering if they are being scammed. In this article, we will explore the Best Buy preorder charge and whether it is a legitimate business practice or a scam.

Firstly, let's take a closer look at what the Best Buy preorder charge is. When a customer preorders a product from Best Buy, they are required to provide their credit card information. Best Buy then places a hold on the card for the full amount of the product, even though the product has not yet been released. This hold can last for several days, and some customers are reporting that they are being charged for the product before it is even shipped.

While Best Buy claims that this is a necessary measure to ensure that customers receive their products on time, many consumers are not convinced. They argue that the hold on their credit card should be enough to guarantee that the product is reserved for them, and that charging them before the product is shipped is unfair.

Furthermore, some customers are reporting that they are being charged more than the advertised price for the product. This can be due to a number of factors, such as taxes or shipping fees, but customers are understandably upset when they are charged more than they expected.

So, is the Best Buy preorder charge a scam? While there is no evidence to suggest that Best Buy is intentionally trying to deceive its customers, there are certainly some questionable practices at play here. Customers who preordered products in good faith are now being hit with unexpected charges and are left feeling frustrated and misled.

It is important to note that not all customers are affected by the Best Buy preorder charge. Some have had positive experiences and have received their products on time and without any unexpected charges. However, for those who have been negatively impacted, the issue is a major concern.

In conclusion, the Best Buy preorder charge is a controversial topic that has divided consumers. While some argue that it is a necessary business practice, others feel that it is unfair and even fraudulent. As with any business transaction, it is important to do your research and make an informed decision before preordering a product from Best Buy or any other retailer.


Preordering is a common practice in the retail industry, where a customer can reserve a product before it's officially released. Best Buy is a popular electronics retailer that offers preordering services for several products. However, some customers have raised concerns about the preorder charges that Best Buy applies to their credit cards. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Best Buy preorders and their charges.

What is Best Buy Preorder?

Best Buy preorder is a service that allows customers to reserve a product before it's released. This service is available for various products, including video games, movies, smartphones, and other electronics. When you preorder a product, it means that you're reserving a copy of that item before it becomes available to the public. You can then pick up the item on its release date or have it shipped to your address.

How Does Best Buy Preorder Work?

To preorder a product from Best Buy, you need to visit their website or physical store and select the item you want to reserve. You'll then be asked to provide your payment information, such as a credit card number. Best Buy will charge your card for the full amount of the product, plus any applicable taxes and fees.

The Issue with Best Buy Preorder Charges

Some Best Buy customers have reported issues with the preorder charges. For example, they have claimed that Best Buy charged their credit cards multiple times for the same preorder or charged them before the product was shipped. These issues can cause financial inconvenience and frustration for customers, especially if they're not aware of the charges.

Why Does Best Buy Charge for Preorders?

Best Buy charges for preorders because it wants to ensure that customers are committed to buying the product. By charging the full amount upfront, Best Buy can guarantee that the customer will follow through with the purchase and won't cancel the preorder. Additionally, Best Buy can use the preorder revenue to fund the production and distribution of the product.

Can You Cancel a Best Buy Preorder?

Yes, you can cancel a Best Buy preorder, but it's subject to certain conditions. If you cancel your preorder before the release date, Best Buy will refund your payment in full. However, if you cancel your preorder after the release date, Best Buy may charge a restocking fee or deny your refund altogether.

How to Avoid Best Buy Preorder Charges

If you're concerned about Best Buy preorder charges, there are a few ways to avoid them. One method is to use a prepaid debit card for your preorder payment. This way, you can limit the amount of money that Best Buy can charge you and avoid any unexpected fees. Another option is to wait until the product is officially released and buy it from a different retailer or Best Buy itself.

Best Buy Preorder Policy

Best Buy has a preorder policy that outlines its terms and conditions for preordering products. According to the policy, Best Buy will charge your credit card for the full amount of the product at the time of preorder. The policy also states that Best Buy may adjust the price of the product before the release date and that customers are responsible for any taxes and fees associated with the preorder.


Preordering can be a convenient way to reserve a product before its official release, but it's important to understand the potential charges and policies that come with it. Best Buy offers a preorder service for various products, but some customers have reported issues with the charges and refunds. By understanding Best Buy's preorder policy and using alternative payment methods, you can avoid any unexpected fees and enjoy your new product hassle-free.

Understanding Best Buy Preorder Charges: An Overview

If you're an avid tech enthusiast, chances are you've preordered a gadget or two from Best Buy. Preordering allows you to secure a new device before it hits the shelves and ensures that you get your hands on it as soon as possible.However, preordering also comes with a charge, which can be confusing for some consumers. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Best Buy preorder charges and everything you need to know about them.

How Best Buy Preorder Charges Work: A Step-by-Step Guide

When you preorder a product from Best Buy, the company will place a hold on your credit card for the full amount of the purchase. This is known as a preorder charge, and it's designed to ensure that you have the funds available to pay for the product when it becomes available.Here's a step-by-step guide on how Best Buy preorder charges work:

Step 1: Place Your Preorder

To place a preorder, simply add the product to your cart and follow the checkout process. During the checkout process, you'll be asked to enter your credit card information, and Best Buy will place a hold on your account for the full amount of the purchase.

Step 2: Wait for the Product Release Date

After you've placed your preorder, all you have to do is wait for the release date. Best Buy will notify you via email or text message when the product is available for pickup or delivery.

Step 3: Pay for the Product

On the release date, Best Buy will charge your credit card for the full amount of the purchase. The preorder charge will be released, and you'll only be charged for the actual cost of the product.

What You Need to Know About Best Buy Preorder Deposits

Some products require a deposit when preordering from Best Buy. Deposits are typically required for high-demand products or limited edition items that are expected to sell out quickly.Deposits are usually a percentage of the total purchase price, and they're paid upfront at the time of preorder. The amount of the deposit will vary depending on the product and its price.If you decide to cancel your preorder before the release date, your deposit will be refunded to your credit card. However, if you cancel after the release date, you may not be eligible for a refund.

The Benefits of Preordering at Best Buy: Is It Worth the Charge?

Preordering at Best Buy has several benefits, including:

Guaranteed Availability

By preordering a product, you can ensure that you'll get it as soon as it becomes available. This is especially important for high-demand items that are expected to sell out quickly.

Early Access

Some products may be available for preorder before they're available to the general public. This means that you can get your hands on the product before anyone else.

Bonus Offers

Best Buy sometimes offers bonus offers for preordering certain products. These offers can include discounts, free accessories, or other incentives.Whether preordering is worth the charge depends on your personal preferences and circumstances. If you need the latest tech as soon as it's released, preordering may be worth it for you. However, if you're okay with waiting a few weeks or months, you may be better off waiting for a sale or promotion.

Best Buy Preorder Charge vs. Full Payment: Which is Better?

When preordering from Best Buy, you have the option to pay in full or place a preorder charge. Which option is better depends on your personal preferences and circumstances.If you have the funds available, paying in full may be a good option. This ensures that you won't be charged any additional fees or interest on the purchase.However, if you don't have the funds available, placing a preorder charge may be a better option. This allows you to secure the product without having to pay for it upfront. Just be aware that you'll need to have the funds available on the release date to pay for the product.

How to Check Your Best Buy Preorder Charge Status

If you've placed a preorder with Best Buy, you can check the status of your preorder by logging into your account on the Best Buy website. Once logged in, go to your order history and select the preorder. You should see the current status of your preorder, including any updates or changes.If you have any questions about your preorder charge status, you can contact Best Buy customer support for assistance.

Cancelling a Best Buy Preorder: What Happens to Your Charge?

If you decide to cancel your Best Buy preorder before the release date, your preorder charge will be refunded to your credit card. However, if you cancel after the release date, you may not be eligible for a refund.It's important to note that some products may have different cancellation policies. For example, if you cancel a limited edition item, you may not be eligible for a refund at all.

Best Buy Preorder Charge Refunds: How Long Does It Take?

If you're eligible for a refund on your Best Buy preorder charge, it typically takes 3-5 business days for the funds to be returned to your credit card. However, the exact timing may vary depending on your bank's processing times.If you haven't received your refund within 7-10 business days, you should contact Best Buy customer support for assistance.

Best Buy Preorder Charge Policies: What You Need to Know

Before placing a preorder with Best Buy, it's important to review the company's preorder charge policies. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Preorder Charges

Best Buy will place a hold on your credit card for the full amount of the purchase when you place a preorder. The hold will be released on the release date, and you'll only be charged for the actual cost of the product.


Some products may require a deposit when preordering from Best Buy. Deposits are usually a percentage of the total purchase price and are paid upfront at the time of preorder.

Cancellation Policies

If you decide to cancel your preorder before the release date, you may be eligible for a refund. However, if you cancel after the release date, you may not be eligible for a refund.

Common Questions About Best Buy Preorder Charges, Answered

Here are a few common questions about Best Buy preorder charges, answered:

Can I change my payment method after placing a preorder?

Yes, you can change your payment method by contacting Best Buy customer support. However, you may need to do this before the release date to avoid any issues.

Can I pick up my preorder in-store?

Yes, you can select in-store pickup as an option during the checkout process. Best Buy will notify you when the product is available for pickup.

Do I have to pay for shipping on a preorder?

Shipping charges may apply to preorders, depending on the product and delivery method. Be sure to review the shipping options and charges during the checkout process.

What happens if the release date is delayed?

If the release date is delayed, Best Buy will notify you of the new release date and any changes to your preorder. Your preorder charge will remain in place until the product is released.

Best Buy Preorder Charge: Is It Worth It?

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal point of view regarding the Best Buy preorder charge. However, based on research and analysis, I can provide information and insights into the pros and cons of this service.

Pros of Best Buy Preorder Charge

1. Guarantee of Availability: By preordering a product from Best Buy and paying the preorder charge, you ensure that the item will be reserved for you and will be available on the release date. This is especially useful for popular products that sell out quickly.

2. Convenience: Preordering a product from Best Buy saves you time and energy from standing in long lines or constantly checking for product availability.

3. Price Protection: Best Buy offers price protection on preordered items. If the price of the item drops before the release date, you will be charged the lower price.

Cons of Best Buy Preorder Charge

1. Additional Cost: The preorder charge is an additional cost on top of the final price of the product. This may not be ideal for those who are budget-conscious.

2. Uncertainty: Despite paying the preorder charge, there is no guarantee that the product will meet your expectations or needs.

3. Limited Options: Not all products are available for preorder from Best Buy, which may limit your choices.

Comparison Table: Best Buy Preorder Charge vs. Other Retailers

Retailer Preorder Charge Guarantee of Availability Price Protection
Best Buy Varies by product Yes Yes
Amazon No No No
Walmart No No No

As seen in the comparison table, Best Buy is the only retailer that offers both a preorder charge and guarantees of availability and price protection. However, this convenience comes at an additional cost.

Best Buy Preorder Charge – Everything You Need to Know

Greetings, dear visitors. We hope you had a good time reading our article about the Best Buy preorder charge. We have tried to cover all the essential aspects of this topic and provide you with valuable information that can help you make an informed decision. Before we conclude this article, let us summarize the main points we have discussed so far.

Firstly, we talked about what a pre-order is and why it is beneficial for both the customers and the retailers. We explained how pre-orders can help customers secure their desired products without worrying about the stock running out. At the same time, retailers can use pre-orders to gauge the demand for a product and manage their inventory accordingly.

Next, we delved into the specifics of the Best Buy pre-order charge. We discussed how Best Buy charges a fee to customers who pre-order certain products, such as video games and movies. This fee is meant to ensure that the customer will actually purchase the product when it becomes available and prevent them from canceling the order at the last minute.

We also talked about how the Best Buy pre-order charge works in practice. We explained that the fee is charged at the time of the pre-order and is applied towards the final price of the product. If the customer decides to cancel the pre-order, they may be eligible for a refund of the pre-order charge, depending on the circumstances.

Furthermore, we addressed some of the concerns and criticisms that people have raised about the Best Buy pre-order charge. We acknowledged that some customers may feel that the fee is unfair or unnecessary, especially if they are confident that they will follow through with their purchase. However, we also pointed out that the fee can help prevent scalpers and resellers from hoarding popular products and selling them at inflated prices.

Moreover, we provided some tips and advice for customers who are considering pre-ordering products from Best Buy. We advised them to read the terms and conditions carefully before making a pre-order and to be aware of the pre-order charge and any other fees or restrictions that may apply. We also suggested that they monitor their orders closely and contact Best Buy customer support if they have any questions or issues.

Finally, we would like to conclude this article by thanking you for taking the time to read it. We hope that you found our discussion of the Best Buy pre-order charge informative and helpful. Whether you are a frequent pre-orderer or a newcomer to the practice, we believe that understanding the nuances of pre-ordering can help you make better purchasing decisions and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

If you have any feedback or comments about our article, please feel free to share them with us. We appreciate your input and strive to improve our content based on your suggestions. Once again, thank you for visiting our blog and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

People Also Ask About Best Buy Preorder Charge

What is Best Buy Preorder Charge?

Best Buy Preorder Charge is a fee that customers are required to pay when they pre-order a product from Best Buy. This fee is charged at the time of purchase and is used to reserve the product for the customer.

Why does Best Buy charge a Preorder Fee?

Best Buy charges a Preorder Fee to ensure that customers who pre-order a product get it as soon as it becomes available. By charging a fee, Best Buy can reserve the product for the customer and prevent others from buying it before the customer can.

How much is Best Buy Preorder Charge?

The amount of Best Buy Preorder Charge varies depending on the product being pre-ordered. Generally, the fee is a small percentage of the total cost of the product, usually around 10%.

Is Best Buy Preorder Charge refundable?

Yes, Best Buy Preorder Charge is refundable. If the customer decides to cancel their pre-order, they will receive a full refund of the Preorder Charge.

When is Best Buy Preorder Charge charged?

Best Buy Preorder Charge is charged at the time of purchase, when the customer places their pre-order. The charge will appear on the customer's credit card statement as a separate transaction.

Can I avoid paying Best Buy Preorder Charge?

No, Best Buy Preorder Charge is a mandatory fee for customers who wish to pre-order a product from Best Buy. There is no way to avoid paying the fee if you wish to reserve a product.


Best Buy Preorder Charge is a fee that customers are required to pay when they pre-order a product from Best Buy. The fee is used to reserve the product for the customer and ensure that they receive it as soon as it becomes available. While the fee is mandatory, it is refundable if the customer decides to cancel their pre-order.