Discover the Wit and Wisdom of Danny Tanner: Explore the Best Danny Tanner Quotes of All Time


Discover the wisest and funniest Danny Tanner quotes from Full House! Learn life lessons and laugh out loud with our top picks.

Danny Tanner, the father of three in Full House, is known for his wholesome and heartwarming advice. His character has left us with some of the best quotes that have stood the test of time. Here are some of the top Danny Tanner quotes that have inspired us to become better individuals.

First and foremost, Danny Tanner reminds us that family comes first. As he famously said, There's no problem too big or small that you can't solve it with your family by your side. This quote emphasizes the importance of having a strong support system and leaning on loved ones during difficult times.

In addition to prioritizing family, Danny Tanner also stresses the importance of honesty. He once said, Honesty is the best policy, even if the truth hurts. This quote highlights the value of being truthful, even when it may be difficult or uncomfortable.

Danny Tanner's wisdom extends beyond just family and honesty. He also offers great advice on friendship. As he wisely stated, Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. This quote speaks to the idea that friendships are built on small moments of kindness and understanding, rather than grand gestures.

Furthermore, Danny Tanner knows the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions. He once said, If you make a mess, you clean it up. This quote emphasizes the value of accountability and owning up to mistakes.

Danny Tanner's advice is not only practical, but also inspirational. He once said, Life is tough, but so are you. This quote reminds us that we are strong enough to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

In addition to his words of wisdom, Danny Tanner is also known for his sense of humor. As he once joked, I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment? This quote shows that even in difficult situations, humor can be a great way to lighten the mood.

Danny Tanner also offers great advice on self-improvement. He once said, You can't change what's happened in the past, but you can learn from it and grow from it. This quote highlights the importance of reflection and personal growth.

Another important aspect of Danny Tanner's character is his unwavering optimism. As he famously said, The glass is always half full. This quote reminds us to focus on the positive aspects of life, even during difficult times.

Danny Tanner also knows the importance of forgiveness. He once said, Forgiveness is not just for other people, it's for you too. Forgive yourself every chance you get. This quote emphasizes the value of self-forgiveness and the power it can have on personal growth.

Last but not least, Danny Tanner reminds us to appreciate the little things in life. As he wisely stated, Life is short, so smile while you still have teeth. This quote encourages us to find joy in everyday moments and not take life too seriously.

In conclusion, Danny Tanner's character in Full House has left us with some of the best quotes that are still relevant today. His advice on family, honesty, friendship, responsibility, self-improvement, optimism, forgiveness, and appreciation for life offer invaluable lessons that can inspire us to become better individuals. Let us all keep these wise words in mind as we navigate through life's challenges and triumphs.

Danny Tanner - The Man with the Perfect Quotes

Danny Tanner, the lovable father figure from the popular sitcom Full House, is known for his wise words of advice and guidance. He is a character that is always ready with a quote to help his family and friends get through tough times. Here are some of the best Danny Tanner quotes that have stood the test of time.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

Danny Tanner was a neat freak and took great pride in keeping his home clean and tidy. He often reminded his family that cleanliness was important not just for appearance but also for health. This quote became one of his catchphrases and is still used today.

If You're Going to Do Something, Do It Right

Danny was a perfectionist and believed in doing things right the first time. He instilled this philosophy in his children and encouraged them to do their best in everything they did. This quote is a reminder that it's better to take your time and do something well than rush and make mistakes.

You Got It, Dude!

Danny's catchphrase, You got it, dude! has become an iconic part of pop culture. He used it to show his love and support for his youngest daughter Michelle. This quote is a reminder to always be there for the people you love and to show them that you care.

Family Comes First

Danny was a devoted father who always put his family first. He taught his children the importance of family and the value of spending time together. This quote is a reminder that no matter what happens in life, family should always come first.

Life is Full of Surprises

Danny Tanner was a wise man who understood that life could be unpredictable. He often reminded his children that life was full of surprises, both good and bad. This quote is a reminder to embrace the unexpected and to be prepared for whatever life throws your way.

Love is the Most Important Thing

Danny was a man who believed in the power of love. He taught his children that love was the most important thing in life and that it should always be cherished. This quote is a reminder that love can conquer all and that it is the foundation of any healthy relationship.

Never Give Up

Danny Tanner was a man who never gave up on his dreams. He encouraged his children to pursue their passions and to never give up on themselves. This quote is a reminder to never stop working towards your goals, no matter how difficult they may seem.

Be True to Yourself

Danny was a man who believed in being true to yourself. He encouraged his children to be honest and authentic, even if it meant going against the norm. This quote is a reminder to always stay true to who you are and to never compromise your values.

Communication is Key

Danny Tanner was a man who understood the importance of communication. He encouraged his family to talk openly and honestly with each other and to express their feelings. This quote is a reminder to always communicate effectively in order to build strong relationships.

Always Look on the Bright Side

Danny Tanner was a man who had a positive outlook on life. He always looked on the bright side and encouraged his family to do the same. This quote is a reminder to always find the silver lining, even in the darkest of situations.


Danny Tanner may be a fictional character, but his words of wisdom have had a profound impact on millions of people around the world. His quotes are timeless and continue to inspire and motivate people today. Whether you're going through a tough time or just need some guidance, you can always count on Danny Tanner to have the perfect quote for every situation.

Danny Tanner, portrayed by the beloved actor Bob Saget, was the iconic patriarch of the Tanner family in the hit sitcom Full House. As a father of three young girls, he was known for his wholesome values, sense of humor, and unwavering dedication to his family. Throughout the show's eight seasons, Danny provided us with countless memorable quotes that still resonate with audiences today. Here are some of the best Danny Tanner quotes that capture the heart of his character.

In this house, we always stick together.

This quote perfectly embodies Danny's dedication to his family. From the very first episode of Full House, it's clear that family is everything to him. He's a single dad who's doing his best to raise his daughters after the tragic loss of his wife. Despite the challenges that come with being a single parent, Danny always makes sure that his girls know they are loved and supported. No matter what happens, they can always count on him to be there for them. This quote reminds us that no matter how tough things may get, there's always strength in sticking together as a family.

I'm not just a dad, I'm a friend.

Danny's relationship with his daughters is one of the most endearing aspects of Full House. He's not just a father figure to them, but also a friend. He takes the time to listen to their problems, offer them advice, and even join in on their silly games. Danny understands that being a parent means more than just providing for your children - it means being there for them emotionally too. This quote shows us that Danny is not just a strict authority figure, but someone who genuinely cares about his daughters' well-being.

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

Danny Tanner is famous for his obsessive-compulsive tendencies when it comes to cleaning. He's a self-proclaimed neat freak who can't stand messes or clutter. While his constant cleaning may have driven his family crazy at times, it's clear that he truly believes in the importance of cleanliness. This quote reflects his belief that keeping things clean and tidy is not just a matter of personal preference, but a moral obligation.

I'm a neat freak, deal with it.

This quote is quintessential Danny Tanner. He's unapologetically obsessive when it comes to cleanliness, and he's not afraid to let anyone know it. While his family may have rolled their eyes at his constant cleaning, they also knew that it was just part of who he was. This quote shows us that Danny is not willing to compromise his values, even if it means being a bit of a nag at times.

There's no problem that can't be solved with a good heart-to-heart.

Danny is a firm believer in communication. He knows that keeping the lines of communication open is key to maintaining healthy relationships with his daughters and anyone else in his life. This quote reflects his belief that any problem, no matter how big or small, can be solved by simply talking it out. By encouraging his daughters to express their feelings and concerns, Danny creates a safe and supportive environment where everyone can feel heard.

Life is full of surprises, but family is always there to catch you.

Danny has faced his fair share of challenges over the years, from raising three daughters on his own to dealing with the ups and downs of his career. But through it all, he knows that his family is always there to support him. This quote reminds us that no matter what life throws our way, we can always count on our loved ones to be there for us. Family may not be perfect, but they are always there to catch us when we fall.

Being a father is the most important job in the world.

Danny takes his role as a father very seriously. He knows that being a parent is more than just a job - it's a calling. This quote reflects his belief that there's no greater responsibility than raising a child. Danny understands that being a good father means setting a positive example, being a source of guidance and support, and always putting your children's needs first.

You can't control everything, but you can control how you react to it.

Danny is a master at staying calm in stressful situations. He knows that life is full of unexpected twists and turns, but he also knows that he has control over how he reacts to them. This quote reminds us that while we may not be able to control everything that happens to us, we can control our own attitudes and reactions. By staying positive and proactive, we can weather any storm that comes our way.

Laughter is the best medicine, especially when it comes to dealing with teenagers.

As the father of three teenage girls, Danny knows that sometimes the best way to diffuse a tense situation is to inject a little bit of humor. This quote reflects his belief that laughter is a powerful tool for building connections and defusing conflict. By finding the humor in even the most frustrating situations, Danny is able to maintain a sense of perspective and keep his family together.

Family is not about blood, it's about who's there for you when you need them.

Danny's family may not be traditional - he's a single dad raising three daughters with the help of his brother-in-law and best friend. But to him, family is not about biology or genetics - it's about the people who are there for you when you need them most. This quote reminds us that family can take many different forms, and that what matters most is the love and support we give to one another.


Danny Tanner may be a fictional character, but his words of wisdom and wholesome values have made a lasting impact on audiences around the world. From his dedication to his family to his belief in the power of communication and laughter, Danny embodies the kind of father figure that we all aspire to be. So the next time you're facing a difficult situation, remember Danny's wise words - and know that with a little bit of love and support, you can get through anything life throws your way.

The Best Danny Tanner Quotes

Danny Tanner is a beloved character from the hit TV show Full House who always had a piece of advice or a wise quote to share with his family and audience. Here are some of the best Danny Tanner quotes:

Top Danny Tanner Quotes

  1. There's no problem that can't be solved by a hug and a bowl of spaghetti.
  2. If you're going to do something wrong, do it right.
  3. You can't fix everything, but you can always make things better.
  4. It takes two people to make a relationship work, but only one to ruin it.
  5. The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories.

Pros and Cons of Using Danny Tanner Quotes

While Danny Tanner's quotes are inspiring and meaningful, there are also some pros and cons to consider before using them:


  • Danny Tanner's quotes are relatable and often provide a solution or perspective on common life problems.
  • His quotes can inspire and motivate individuals to be their best selves.
  • His quotes are memorable and can easily be shared and remembered by others.


  • Some may view Danny Tanner's quotes as cheesy or outdated.
  • His quotes may not resonate with everyone and could potentially come off as preachy or condescending.
  • Overusing his quotes could lead to them losing their impact or meaning.

Comparison Table: Danny Tanner vs. Other TV Dads

Danny Tanner (Full House) Phil Dunphy (Modern Family) Jack Pearson (This Is Us)
Parenting Style Strict but loving Silly and fun Emotional and supportive
Most Memorable Quote Have mercy! I'm cool dad, that's my thang. I'm hip, I surf the web, I text. LOL: laugh out loud, OMG: oh my god, WTF: why the face There's no lemon so sour that you can't make something resembling lemonade.
Best Advice The best things in life are the people we love, the places we've been, and the memories we've made along the way. Always look people in the eye, even if they're blind. Just say hello. You take the sourest lemon that life has to offer, and turn it into something resembling lemonade.

The Best Danny Tanner Quotes to Live By

Thank you for taking the time to read through this article about the best Danny Tanner quotes. As a character from the popular sitcom “Full House,” Danny Tanner has inspired many viewers with his heartfelt and wise words. In this article, we have compiled some of his most memorable quotes that we hope will resonate with you.

One of Danny’s most notable qualities is his dedication to family. Throughout the series, he never wavers in his love and support for his daughters, and this sentiment is reflected in many of his quotes. As he once said, “I may not have all the answers, but I have a house full of love and that’s gotta count for something.” This quote reminds us that even when we don’t have everything figured out, love and support can carry us through.

Danny also has a strong sense of responsibility, always striving to do what’s best for his family. He once said, “The most important thing in life is honesty, and if you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” While this quote may be humorous, it speaks to Danny’s commitment to doing the right thing and being truthful.

Another quote that showcases Danny’s devotion to his family is, “Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.” This quote emphasizes the importance of cherishing the relationships we have with our loved ones, and recognizing the joy that comes with being a part of a family.

Danny is also known for his tidiness and attention to detail, often cleaning and organizing his home with precision. He once said, “If your house is clean, your mind is clean.” This quote highlights the connection between physical surroundings and mental well-being, and encourages us to strive for cleanliness and order in our own lives.

Another quote that reflects Danny’s commitment to hard work and perseverance is, “The best way to learn how to do something is to just do it.” This quote reminds us that sometimes the only way to truly learn and improve is through trial and error and taking action.

Danny also recognizes the importance of forgiveness and letting go of anger. As he once said, “Holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” This quote reminds us that harboring resentment can only harm ourselves, and that forgiveness is a necessary part of moving on and healing.

Another quote from Danny that emphasizes the importance of kindness and empathy is, “There’s no problem that can’t be solved if everyone involved really wants to solve it.” This quote speaks to the power of collaboration and working together towards a common goal, rather than succumbing to conflict and division.

Throughout the series, Danny also demonstrates a strong work ethic and determination. He once said, “I may not have a lot of talent, but I have a lot of determination.” This quote reminds us that success often comes from hard work and perseverance, and that we can achieve great things through dedication and effort.

Danny is also known for his sense of humor and lightheartedness, often using jokes and puns to lighten the mood. He once said, “I’m not telling you to forget your troubles and dance, I’m telling you to let your troubles dance away.” This quote reminds us that sometimes the best way to cope with difficulties is to approach them with a positive attitude and a sense of humor.

Lastly, Danny’s love and devotion to his family is perhaps best encapsulated in his quote, “There’s nothing on this Earth more important than this family.” This quote serves as a reminder that our loved ones should always come first, and that the bonds we share with them are the most precious things in life.

Thank you once again for reading through this article about the best Danny Tanner quotes. We hope that these wise and heartfelt words have resonated with you and provided some inspiration and guidance for your own life.

People also ask about Best Danny Tanner Quotes

Who is Danny Tanner?

Danny Tanner is a fictional character from the hit television series Full House. He is portrayed by actor Bob Saget and is the father of three daughters, DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle.

What are some of Danny Tanner's best quotes?

Here are some of Danny Tanner's most memorable quotes:

  1. Clean is good, dirt is bad.
  2. There's no problem in this world that can't be solved by a hug.
  3. You're in big trouble, mister!
  4. Raising kids is part joy and part guerilla warfare.
  5. Wake up, San Francisco!

Why do people love Danny Tanner?

People love Danny Tanner because he is a relatable and lovable character. He is a single father who is doing his best to raise his three daughters while also juggling his career as a TV host. He is known for his cleanliness, his love for his family, and his dad jokes. He is a kind and caring father figure who always puts his family first.